connait pas mais va me renseigner
deja vu faire aussi notammment dans la Saison 4 de PAD
connait le fait de dealer turn et/ou river 2fois mais je crois que ce n'est pas ca
EDIT:"(n) A side bet between two players, or between one player and an outsider (often known as an insurance man)
who makes a business of this sort of thing, against a particular hand
losing, usually made at a point before the fall of the final card or
cards. For example, in a hold 'em game, one player is all in on fourth
street for his entire bankroll. If he loses, he has to leave this
wonderful game, and probably go back to playing small limit. He has
pocket aces, with another ace on the board. There are also two spades,
one of them the ace, on the board, and his opponent has turned up his
two spades in the hole. Our hero can lose only if a spade comes on the
end that does not pair one of the other cards on the board. The odds
against this can be worked out. The holder of the pair of aces can
contract for insurance. If he loses the pot,
the person with whom he arranged the insurance pays him some amount,
usually equal to the value of the pot; if he wins, he pays that person
some amount that, based on the odds against his losing, allows that
person to make a profit. the more desperate the person who makes the insurance bet, the worse the terms exacted by the seller of the insurance."
EN gros d'apres ce que j'ai compris vite fait:
C'est qd par exemple un gars fait tapis a la turn avec un brelan sur un board avec 2 piques et qu'il est payé par un gars avec le tirage couleur.
Avant de tirer la river,le gars avec brelan peut "contracter une assurance" avec le joueur en face ou un autre a la table ou non.
S'il pert le pot, l'assureur lui paye une somme generalement egale au pot ( avant ou apres le allin? ,ca je sais pas)
et s'il gagne , il doit donner a l'assureur une somme qu'ils auront convenu en fonction de la cote du tirage.